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Excelsior Preparatory High School is a high school in Springfield Gardens serving grades 9 through 12. This school accepts applicants for 9th and 10th grade. This school shares the Springfield Gardens Educational Campus with three other schools. This school has Ed. Opt. or Open admissions, meaning students of all academic performance levels will be considered. For more information check out 'Programs & Admissions'.
The principal has been leading this school since 2009.
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School Stats
Safety & Vibe
Faculty & Staff
Advanced Courses
Computer Science
Advanced Foreign Language
Not offered in 2021-22AP/IB Arts, English, History or Social Science
AP/IB Math or Science
College Readiness
Programs & Admissions
From the 2024 High School DirectoryGateway to Higher Education (Q42W)
Program Description:
This program seeks to expose students to the foundation skills necessary for college success and for success in science, technology, engineering and math careers. These students are provided with an advisor who assists them in applying for and enrolling in enrichment programs that only those students are eligible for receiving. The students are provided with rigorous courses and are expected to graduate with an advanced regents diploma.
Humanities (Q42X)
Program Description:
This program seeks to provide students with a college preparatory liberal arts curriculum. Students will be well rounded, taking courses such as English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art/Music, Physical Education and Technology, that will assist them to meet the requirements for a regents diploma at minimum. These students will also be required to engage in yearly community service projects that allow them to develop an understanding of community and the role they play in its development.
From the 2024 High School DirectoryLanguage Courses
Advanced Courses
Algebra II (Advanced Math), AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, AP Research, AP Seminar, AP Statistics, AP United States Government and Politics, AP World History: Modern, Chemistry (Advanced Science), Math (College Course [Credited]), Other (College Course [Credited]), Physics (Advanced Science), Science (College Course [Credited]), Social Studies (College Course [Credited]), World Languages (Advanced World Languages)
Boys PSAL teams
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Wrestling
Girls PSAL teams
Basketball, Flag Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball
Coed PSAL teams
Cricket, Stunt
Read about admissions, academics, and more at this school on NYCDOE’s MySchools
Contact & Location
143-10 Springfield Boulevard
Buses: Q3, Q77, Q85
Other Details
This school shares the Springfield Gardens Educational Campus with three other schools
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