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Our Insights

What’s Special

Top-notch academics in a spacious facility with waterside views

The Downside

Far from the subway

Situated on the spacious but remote campus of Kingsborough Community College, Leon Goldstein High School for the Sciences boasts waterside views, a relaxed atmosphere and top-notch academics. The contemporary building has computer and science labs, a ceramics studio with a working kiln, a library and media room, and a cafeteria with a wall of windows. It is connected to Kingsborough's full-size gymnasium and a beautiful swimming pool.

Goldstein attracts some of Brooklyn's best and brightest students, who want a school that's smaller than popular giants like Brooklyn Tech. It's the kind of place where a student carries around a novel that she is reading for fun, not for English class. Teens are treated respectfully, much like the college students they are soon to become.

Academic rigor has stepped up since Principal Scott Hughes came in 2012. A former computer science teacher at Mark Twain middle school, Hughes increased the number of AP courses and mandated a longer school day for all four years. "We maximize the fourth year to get them ready for college and career," he said. The number of graduates prepared for college far exceeds the city's average. College Now courses are offered through Kingsborough Community College, allowing students to earn college credits.

The school earned high marks on its Quality Review for having an "inclusive and respectful environment." Actions that would be problematic in other schools, such as wearing a hat or hoodie, or eating a sandwich in a classroom, are not at Goldstein. Because of the demanding class schedule—each student has four 54-minute academic periods, called "bands," each day—on days they don't get an official lunch period, students may bring in food to eat at their desks. 

Students are required to take four years of math and science and three years of a world language: Spanish, Italian, Mandarin or Arabic. There are many math and science offerings, including multiple sections of calculus, organic chemistry and AP chemistry. Many kids participate in city and school Science Olympiads.

Every freshman and sophomore takes computer science to learn digital logic, computer architecture, programming and other sophisticated skills. "We're trying to teach them the Latin of computer science as opposed to learning a particular program," said Hughes.

Despite an emphasis on math, science and computer studies, the English department is arguably the strongest at Goldstein. "If you can't read and write, you can't do science and math," Hughes said. In one class, students reading Animal Farm were making parallels with the Soviet Union. Small groups had created information stations, with students traveling from one to another, taking notes and learning from everyone's research.

Literature and social studies lessons are frequently intertwined. In a global history class, students studied the Chinese Cultural Revolution by examining Mao Zedong's quotations, and photographs from the time.

Arts flourish too. There is a jazz band, a chorus and piano classes. Other electives include drama, ceramics and painting. Seniors work with incoming freshman to prepare for the annual SING! competition.

Girls have a strong voice in the school, making up roughly 55 percent of the population. They field winning PSAL sports teams, especially in volleyball, tennis and swimming. Overall, there's a nice mix of boys, girls and co-ed sports teams as well student-run clubs.

Goldstein is a long walk from the closest subway line and many students are driven to school by their parents.

SPECIAL EDUCATION: The school is more flexible with its academic screen when considering students with special needs. There are ICT (integrated co-teaching) classes in most grades, but by the later years, there is a move to integrate all students. The building is shared with a District 75 program for autistic students, some of whom are included in Goldstein classes.

COLLEGE ADMISSIONS: The majority of graduates go to SUNYs and CUNYs, with a high number enrolling in the prestigious Macauley Honors program, as well as selective private colleges, including Ivy League schools. (Pamela Wheaton, April 2015; updated via web reports, July 2018)



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School Stats

Citywide Average Key
This school is Better Near Worse than the citywide average


How many students graduate in 4 years?
How many students with disabilities graduate in 4 years?
Average daily attendance
How many students miss 18 or more days of school?
How many parents of students with disabilities say this school offers enough activities and services for their children's needs?
How many parents of students with disabilities say this school works to achieve the goals of their students' IEPs?
From the 2022-23 School Quality Guide and 2022-23 NYC School Survey


Number of students
Citywide Average is 617


Low-income students
Students with disabilities
Multilingual learners
From the 2022-23 Demographic Snapshot

Safety & Vibe

How many students were suspended?
How many students say they feel safe in the hallways, bathrooms and locker rooms?
How many students think bullying happens most or all of the time at this school?
How many students say that some are bullied at their school because of their gender or sexual orientation?
How many teachers say they would recommend this school to other families?
From the 2022-23 NYC School Survey and 2019-20 NY State Report Card

Faculty & Staff

How many teachers say the principal is an effective manager?
Years of principal experience at this school
Citywide Average is 7
Number of students for each guidance counselor or social worker
Citywide Average is 191
How many teachers have 3 or more years of experience teaching?
Are teachers effective?
From the 2022-23 NYC School Survey, 2022-23 School Quality Guide, 2021-22 Report on School-Based Staff Demographics, 2023 Guidance Counselor Report, and this school's most recent Quality Review Report

Advanced Courses

Which students have access to advanced courses at this school? Learn more



Computer Science




Advanced Foreign Language


AP/IB Arts, English, History or Social Science


AP/IB Math or Science



From unpublished, anonymized data from the 2021-22 school year provided by the New York State Education Department, brought to you by

College Readiness

How many students graduate with test scores high enough to enroll at CUNY without remedial help?
How many students take a college-level course or earn a professional certificate?
How many students who have graduated from this high school stay in college for at least 3 semesters?
From the 2020-21 and 2022-23 School Quality Guide

How many graduates who are eligible received Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) funding to attend a NYS college?
This shows how well this school supports low-income students to get funding for college.
How many of those TAP recipients made it through college? Learn more
From unpublished, anonymized student-level data for the class of 2016-17 provided by the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) in coordination with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), brought to you by
How many students filled out a FAFSA form by the end of their senior year?
From the 2022-23 FAFSA data released by Federal Student Aid, brought to you by Visit Understanding FAFSA for help with the FAFSA and financial aid.
For more information about our data sources, see About Our Data · More DOE statistics for this school

Programs & Admissions

From the 2024 High School Directory

Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences (K76A)

Admissions Method: Screened

Program Description:

An enriching and challenging curriculum in math, sciences, and humanities that exceeds city and state requirements.

Leon M. Goldstein High School for the Sciences D75 Inclusion Program (K76U)

Admissions Method: D75 Special Education Inclusive Services


From the 2024 High School Directory

Language Courses

Mandarin, Spanish

Advanced Courses

Algebra II (Advanced Math), AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Chemistry, AP Chinese Language and Culture, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP Macroeconomics, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, AP Psychology, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Statistics, AP United States Government and Politics, AP United States History, AP World History: Modern, Biology (College Course [Credited]), Chemistry (Advanced Science), ELA (College Course [Credited]), Math (College Course [Credited]), Other (College Course [Credited]), Physics (Advanced Placement), Physics (Advanced Science), Science (College Course [Credited]), Social Studies (College Course [Credited]), US History (College Course [Credited]), World Languages (Advanced World Languages)

Boys PSAL teams

Basketball, Bowling, Handball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Wrestling

Girls PSAL teams

Basketball, Bowling, Flag Football, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball

Coed PSAL teams


Read about admissions, academics, and more at this school on NYCDOE’s MySchools

NYC Department of Education: MySchools

Contact & Location


1830 Shore Boulevard
Brooklyn NY 11235

Buses: B1, B4, B44, B44-SBS, B49, BM3


Principal: Scott Hughes

Parent Coordinator: Debra Eng

Phone: 718-368-8500


Other Details

Shared campus? No

This school is in its own building.

Uniforms required? No
Metal detectors? No

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