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Performing Arts and Technology High School is a high school in East New York serving grades 9 through 12. This school accepts applicants for 9th and 10th grade. This school shares the Thomas Jefferson Educational Campus with three other schools. This school has Ed. Opt. or Open admissions, meaning students of all academic performance levels will be considered. For more information check out 'Programs & Admissions'.
The principal has been leading this school since 2012.
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School Stats
Safety & Vibe
Faculty & Staff
Advanced Courses
Computer Science
Not offered in 2021-22Advanced Foreign Language
AP/IB Arts, English, History or Social Science
AP/IB Math or Science
College Readiness
Programs & Admissions
From the 2024 High School DirectoryDance (K61D)
Program Description:
Four years of technique classes in ballet, modern, jazz, and tap. Two years of advanced studio classes in choreography and composition.
Music (K61M)
Program Description:
A four-year intensive program which will develop students' technique, creativity, and expression while learning music theory, notation, and performance. Students will select a major in either vocal or instrumental music. Students can participate in chorus.
Technology (K61R)
Program Description:
A two-year intensive program that includes graphic design, web design, and CISCO Certification Training.
Drama / Theater Arts (K61T)
Program Description:
A four-year intensive program that includes a combination of acting, voice, diction, and script analysis.
From the 2024 High School DirectoryLanguage Courses
Advanced Courses
Algebra II (Advanced Math), AP Calculus AB, AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP Psychology, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP United States History, AP World History: Modern, Arts (Advanced Placement), Chemistry (Advanced Science), ELA (College Course [Credited]), Other (College Course [Credited]), Social Studies (College Course [Credited]), World Languages (Advanced World Languages)
Boys PSAL teams
Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Soccer, Swimming, Volleyball
Girls PSAL teams
Basketball, Cross Country, Flag Football, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Swimming, Volleyball
Coed PSAL teams
Read about admissions, academics, and more at this school on NYCDOE’s MySchools
Contact & Location
400 Pennsylvania Avenue
to Pennsylvania Av;
to Livonia Av
Buses: B14, B15, B20, B83
Other Details
This school shares the Thomas Jefferson Educational Campus with three other schools
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