District 14

Covering the hip neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Greenpoint, where coffee shops, bars and funky restaurants cater to recent college grads, artists and young professionals, District 14 is losing its Polish-American immigrants and Latinos to newcomers who can afford to live in million-dollar lofts. There is still a strong Polish presence in Greenpoint; Orthodox Jews and Latinos occupy the South side of Williamsburg. In the past many new families sent their children to progressive schools in Manhattan's District 1, however in recent years District 14 schools have adopted a more progressive approach and are attracting families new to the neighborhood.


District 14 Contacts

215 Heyward St.
Brooklyn, NY 11206 - Map



Each district has two superintendents--one in charge of elementary and middle schools, one in charge of high schools--who appoint principals, evaluate schools and approves budgets.
Elementary and middle school superintendent: Alicja Winnicki, (718) 302-7600
High school superintendent: Janice Ross, (718) 455-4635

For individual parent concerns, contact:

Elementary and middle school family support coordinator: Lydia Ruiz-Ferreira, (718) 302-7600
High school family support coordinator: Corrine Mattis, (718) 455-4635

For help with PTAs or district-wide events, contact:

Elementary and middle school family leadership coordinator: Pamela Payne, (718) 302-7689
High school family leadership coordinator: Gregory Hagin, (718) 455-4635



To enroll your child, go to the school or the nearest Family Welcome Center, not the district office.

Family Welcome Center 

29 Fort Greene Place (BS12)
Brooklyn, NY 11217 - Map
Phone: (718) 804-6599

Special Education Enrollment

131 Livingston St.
Brooklyn, NY 11201 - Map
Phone: (718) 935-4900


Community Education Council:

The elected members of the Community Education Council (CEC) approve school zoning lines and advise on education policy.
CEC: Community Education Council 14, (718) 302-7624

District 14 office

215 Heyward St.
Brooklyn, NY 11206 - Map


Special Education:

Most questions about special education can be answered by your child's teacher or principal. If you are new to New York City or your child attends private or parochial school, contact the nearest Committee on Special Education for an evaluation.

Committee on Special Education 

Caroline Danner
131 Livingston St. 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201 - Map
Phone: (718) 935-4900 
If these offices can not answer your questions, see DOE contacts.
Questions? Ask us