District 17

District 17 is located in Central Brooklyn and encompasses the neighborhoods of Prospect Heights, East Flatbush and Crown Heights. The district is home to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Public Library and Medgar Evers College, which offers college classes to some nearby high schools. Much of the neighborhood is divided among new immigrants, African Americans, and Orthodox Jews who generally send their children to private yeshivas. 

District 17 has some low-performing schools, although there are several bright spots. Some schools struggle with declining enrollment, partly as a result of competition from the many charter schools that have opened in the district.


District 17 Contacts

1224 Park Place, Room 130
Brooklyn, NY 11213- Map


Each district has two superintendents--one in charge of elementary and middle schools, one in charge of high schools--who appoint principals, evaluate schools and approves budgets.
Elementary and middle school superintendent: Clarence Ellis, (718) 221-4372
High school superintendent: Michael Prayor, (718) 368-8515

For individual parent concerns, contact:

Elementary and middle school family support coordinator: Margot Sargeant, (718) 221-4372
High school family support coordinator: Melissa Thomas, (718) 368-8515

For help with PTAs or district-wide events, contact:

Elementary and middle school family leadership coordinator: Philton Lewis-Thomas, (718) 221-4372
High school family leadership coordinator: Mark Moses, (718) 368-8515



To enroll your child, go to the school or the nearest enrollment office, not the district office.

Family Welcome Center 

1780 Ocean Ave. 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11230 - Map
Phone: (718) 758-7672
This office handles both general education and special education enrollment


Community Education Council:

The elected members of the Community Education Council (CEC) approve school zoning lines and advise on education policy.
CEC: Community Education Council 17, (718) 467-3712 ext. 1030

District 17 office

1224 Park Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213 - Map


Special Education:

Most questions about special education can be answered by your child's teacher or principal. If you are new to New York City or your child attends private or parochial school, contact the nearest Committee on Special Education for an evaluation.

Committee on Special Education 

Arlene Rosenstock
5619 Flatlands Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11234 - Map
Phone: (718) 968-6200 
If these offices can not answer your questions, see DOE contacts
Questions? Ask us