2017 test scores now available online

If your child took the English (ELA) and math state exams in 2017, you may now find the scores online on your personal school account at my.student.nyc. If you haven’t set up an account yet, or have forgotten how to log on, ask the parent coordinator at your school for help.
Citywide, scores on the annual exams for students in grades 3-8 inched up slightly on both the math and ELA exam this year, according to data released today by the state and city, yet some 60 percent of the city’s students are still scoring below grade level on both.
Gains were higher in reading than in math: 40.6 percent of students met the English standards, up 2.6 percent from 2016. In math, only 37.8 percent met the standards, up slightly from 36.4 percent last year. English scores went up in each of the city’s school districts.
The disparity in scores among ethnic groups narrowed slightly but remains large throughout the city and state. "Troubling gaps really persist,” in the scores posted by bBlack and Hispanic students, said State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia in a conference call with reporters. ”Our work is clearly not done.”
Similar to last year, about 60 percent of Wwhite and Asian students in the city scored 3 or 4 (at or above grade level) on the English test, compared to only about 29 percent of black and Hispanic students who make up about 70 percent of the test-takers. In math, 67 percent of Asians passed, compared to 59 percent of whites, 25 percent of Hispanics and 20 percent of black students. [See the chart above].
City initiatives, such as offering free pre-kindergarten to all four-year-olds, and an emphasis on literacy, will help narrow the gap long term, Mayor Bill deBlasio said today in a press conference.
State tests are just one measure of how well a child—or a school—is doing academically and test scores are just one of the factors that a school may look at when considering a student’s application to middle or high school. Over the past few years, some public school parents opposed to what they consider the pressure of high stakes testing have “opted out” of state tests. This year about 4 percent of students opted out of taking either the math or English exam, the city said. That's slightly higher than last year but significantly less than the 19 percent of students who didn't take the tests statewide (down from 21 percent last year, according to state officials.)
State tests do give a rough approximation of which schools manage to bring their children up to a high level. If you’re concerned about your child’s performance, talk to his teacher when the school year opens about how you can work together to help him improve.
See our InsideTool on State Tests for more information and tips. Also check out our Free Programs for ways to support your child’s education outside of school.
Our school profile pages now show the 2017 scores. Look for them under SchoolStats, Academics.
See the full breakdown of 2017 statewide test results here; New York City test results are here.
You can find your school and district results on the Department of Education data page.
Updated Aug. 23 to reflect that the percentage of NYC students opting out of the state exams in 2017 is actually slightly higher than in 2016.
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