Got a child applying to kindergarten, middle school, or high school for next fall? Here's what's happening this week, and month.

Kindergarten & elementary grade Gifted & Talented programs

Handbooks with information and applications for testing for the city's elementary school G&T programs are available online and in borough enrollment offices. You have until November 17 to submit your application either online or by mail, but testing won't take place until January.

The handbooks will answer most of your questions -- including which schools in your district have G&T programs this year. They even include a practice OLSAT test for each grade. But if you want to learn more about the G&T process, consider attending an information session sponsored by the Department of Education. There will be one in every borough beginning on October 18.  Prepare yourself for full auditoriums at the high schools hosting the sessions.

If the calendar is similar to the last few years, application and registration for regular kindergarten programs won't begin until February of 2011.<!--more-->

Middle school choice programs & fairs

Most districts are hosting middle school choice fairs this week or next with representatives from each school in attendance. Find the date for your district here.

Even in districts where most students attend their zoned school, there are always options for school choice so it may be worth attending the fair to find out about them.

Applications are not due until December 10, but now is the time to be visiting schools. If you haven't yet begun the school tour circuit, the fairs are a good place to pick up fliers about upcoming tours and open houses.  Some open house dates are posted on the DOE's website; for others, check the school's website.

High school borough fairs & applications

Did you miss thecitywide high school fair? Or were there a few schools you didn't get to talk to in the crush of people? This weekend you can attend borough high school fairs, which are much less crowded and a better opportunity to talk one-on-one with school representatives or sign in for priority in admissions at some programs.  They run from 11 to 3 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. If you haven't yet gone on school tours and open houses, now is the time to do so. Make sure to pick up notices at the fair.

If your son or daughter is taking the specialized high school exam later this month, he or she should be receiving a "ticket" from the middle school guidance counselor on Oct. 15. If they don't bring it home, make sure to contact the school about it. Most 8th graders will be taking the exam the weekend of October 23 and 24th. And, if you want to visit one of the specialized high schools, they are holding open houses and tours now. Check the schedule.

High school applications are due on Dec. 3.

Whew! Nobody said school choice would be easy!