Applying to NYC High Schools: A Webinar

Thank you to all who joined us for our NYC High Schools Admissions webinar, which we presented on December 18, 2021 in partnership with the New York Public Library.
Videos of the event are now available for viewing in English and Spanish. Topics covered include understanding the process, your options, the latest on applying to screened and audition schools, and tips for conducting your search.
For additional insight and guidance, join our free, self-paced, online high school admissions class, which covers all you need to know to make good choices and is available in English and Spanish.
Got questions for the InsideSchool team? Head over to our free community forum, InsideSchools+, and post them in the Applying to High School discussion group.
And, if you don’t have one already, apply for a free library card today.
Make sure to review the following list of important high school admissions resources and please share this information with your school community.
InsideSchools Resources A comprehensive guide to NYC public schools that includes school profiles, school search tools and parent guides.
InsideSchools+: A free community site that offers discussion groups on a range of topics, events, and free online classes in English and Spanish.
Weekly InsideSchools newsletter: Get the latest news, admissions updates, and more.
Applying to NYC High Schools: A free, self-paced online class; also available in Spanish.
Main high school page: Learn what to look for, your options, and how to apply.
High school guided search: Use to discover your options and refine your high school search.
Free programs guide: Find free and low cost enrichment and academic programs across the city.
Applying to NYC High Schools discussion group: Ask questions and share knowledge with fellow NYC families applying to high school this year.
DOE & Charter School Resources
MySchools: Official online high school application and directory.
High school enrollment page: Includes links to all DOE high school admissions resources as well as the latest information and application deadlines.
High school auditions page: Provides detailed information on applying to audition-based arts schools including a list of common audition components broken down by arts discipline.
Selection criteria for screened admissions: This page provides detailed information on what high schools that use screened admissions may consider in terms of a student's grades, performance on entrance assessments and tasks, sample work, etc.
2022 NYC Public Schools Admissions Guide: Explains the rules and procedures for applying to public schools at all grade levels. It's available in 10 languages on the HS enrollment page (scroll down a bit).
CTE virtual high school fair: Learn more about CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs at this virtual event taking place January 18-20.
Admissions email alerts: Sign up to receive news and reminders about the high school application process.
Charter school common application: You may apply to any charter school using this application. Contact charter schools directly if you prefer to apply via a paper application.
Special Education Resources
The following organizations offer a wealth of resources for students with disabilities and their families. Both have free helplines that provide assistance in multiple languages.
INCLUDEnyc: Its helpline is available Monday to Thursday, 9am – 3pm.
Advocates for Children: Its helpline is available Monday to Thursday, 10am - 4pm.
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