Check out our new mobile high school site

Seventh-graders and their families now have a new tool to use for the somewhat daunting high school search process.
Insideschools just launched an updated high school search site, accessible only from mobile phones and devices.
Here are a few ways to use it:
If you know the name of a school, type it in and click "go!" to read our review and check the stats. If you'd rather search by an area of interest—say dance, soccer or AP physics—type that instead.
To narrow your search, add in the borough and subway line(s) most convenient to you.
Want to find out if you qualify for a specific program? Click the grade-point-average (GPA) feature that most closely matches your 7th-grade report card results. Keep in mind, though, that the selective specialized high schools such as Brooklyn Tech or Bronx Science don't look at your grades—they admit students based on the results of a single exam.
To help you understand the admissions lingo, such as "ed opt" or "screened," we've added a glossary of terms.
The best feature? You can carry this search with you wherever you go, unlike the massive high school directory that your middle school guidance counselor will be giving to you this month.
Check it out at: Remember, this won't work from a laptop or desktop computer—just from your smart phone or mobile device.
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