Chancellor Klein announced yesterday that public input will help direct the allocation of this year's Contracts for Excellence funding. This should be a heads-up for parents and educators who have long been frustrated with the city's educational spending decisions.

The Contracts for Excellence funds support programs aimed at students in greatest need: English Language Learners, students in poverty, students with disabilities and those with low academic achievement. These funds are to be spent in six specific program areas: class size reduction, time on task, teacher and principal quality initiatives, school restructuring, full day pre-K ,and ELL programs.

Class size reduction has been a consistently hot topic in the educational funding debate with Leonie Haimson of Class Size Matters, one of the fiercest advocates. "If you believe that your child is not receiving the education he or she deserves because of overly large classes, you should attend these hearings, speak out, and demand that the State Education Department provide stronger oversight so that NYC complies with the law," Haimson says in a press release this week.<!--more-->

Comptroller William Thompson voiced his frustration with class size, releasing an audit this week alleging that $48 million of the nearly $180 million set aside for Early Grade Class Size Reduction under the Contracts for Excellence plan has not been used for this purpose. The Department of Education holds that Thompson has misinterpreted the legislation. DOE Auditor General, Brian Fleischer, explained to GothamSchools, "We were free to spend it however we chose.”

The DOE released a preliminary plan for the disbursal of these funds. But each of the city's 32 Community Education Councils will be holding hearings this month for the public to share their views on where they think the money should go. No time to attend a meeting? Send your input to

Let us know your thoughts on  how the funds should be allocated. Are classes overcrowded in your school?