COVID-19 Update: NYC Schools

We’re all feeling in a state of flux as schools are closed and the New York City Department of Education (DOE) takes on the herculean task of providing online instruction to roughly one million students.
To help you manage all the information and adjust to new routines, we’re keeping track of the latest news you can use and sharing it here.
Bookmark this post as well as some other sources for COVID-19 (coronavirus) updates that we’re following too, including the DOE’s website, Chalkbeat, Advocates for Children and IncludeNYC (the latter two are great resources for students with disabilities).
If you haven’t already, you should sign up to receive email updates from the DOE and text COVID to 692-692 to receive regular SMS text updates from the city.
Also, we've got some ideas on how best to help parents, teachers, students, and the public in the coming weeks and months, but we REALLY need to hear from you first. Please take our survey to tell us what you need.
Take care and check back here daily for the latest information. We’re in this together.
Monday, March 23
Three free meals a day will be available to all NYC children Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 1:30 pm at 400 locations across the city. All three meals may be picked up at the same time and parents and guardians may pick up meals for children.
Friday, March 20
New York State has cancelled the standardized math and ELA exams for grades 3-8 for this school year.
Family Welcome Centers are closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but the staff is available to help via email. Learn more and get the contact information on the DOE's website.
Thursday, March 19
High school placements letters are now available in your MySchools account.
Middle school placement letters, which were originally scheduled to be distributed in March, will now be distributed in April, according to the DOE.
Wednesday, March 18
Parent Teacher Conferences for high schools K-12 and 6-12 schools, which were originally scheduled for Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 and Friday, Mar 20, 2020 are postponed.
The DOE is lending internet-enabled iPads to students who need them. If you would like to request a device for a NYC student in your family, you will need to complete the Remote Learning Device Request Form. The DOE will then follow-up with you via the contact information you provide in the form to discuss when and where to pick up a device.
The ACT has rescheduled its April 4 national testing date to June 13.
Tuesday, March 17
The deadline to apply to pre-K application has been extended to March 29.
College Board announced that it is cancelling the May 2, 2020, SAT as well as makeup exams for the March 14, which were scheduled for March 28.
Chalkbeat and Politico have good rundowns on the enrichment centers that will open on Monday, March 23 to serve children of essential workers as well as students needing intensive support.
Monday, March 16
Until further notice, any student can pick up “grab-and-go” meals at the entrance to any school building from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm daily. You don't need to travel to your own school if there is another one closer by.
This week students and families can pick up medication or receive any standard medical services from Tuesday through Thursday during regular school hours. School nurses and school-based health center staff will be on site.
Later this week students will begin picking up materials for home instruction including necessary technology that the DOE will be loaning to students who need it for remote learning.
On March 23 remote learning will begin for students in grades K to 12. The DOE will also open “enrichment centers’ at locations around the city for children of first responders, healthcare workers and for some other vulnerable students.
Check out the DOE’s Learn at Home page, which breaks down online learning resources by grade level. Our advice: Use this time to get familiar with what online learning looks like, but don’t get overwhelmed trying to figure it all out on your own. Families will be getting more explicit instructions as the week progresses and we’ll be offering our insights too, starting with 15 Tips and Tricks for Online Learning.
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