Budgets are tight and schools need all the help they can get to bring in outside resources. Applying for grants is one way to help ensure that extra funds become available to your school community.

Here's one source of small grants that Insideschools just learned about. (We'll share others as we hear of them.)Citizens Committee for New York City awards grants of $500 to $3,000 to volunteer-led groups to work on projects that "bring people together and that have a positive impact on the community." The group also offers project planning assistance and skills-building workshops.

Recent awards have enabled students, parents and teachers to come together to make healthy food available in their communities, transform school lawns into community gardens, and start school recycling programs. Citizens Committee is especially looking to reach out to schools in high-poverty neighborhoods .

The New Yorkers for Better Neighborhoods application deadline is Jan. 31. Upcoming grants workshops will help parents and PTAs learn how to apply. Dates are Nov. 17 and Jan. 12;  Dec. 7 and Jan. 11 in Manhattan, and Dec 8 in Queens.  For more details, and a grant application, visit the website. For more information, call or email Emi Wang at 212-822-9563, ewang@citizensnyc.org.