How Insideschools helped Hugo

Hugo was diagnosed with autism at a very young age.
By the end of 8th grade, he was ready to leave a small program for students on the autism spectrum, but he knew he'd still need counseling and other services in high school.
Insideschools helped him narrow his search.
"When you click on the special education tab on the Insideschools website it will tell you the four- and six-year graduation rates, and whether students with special needs are involved in activities," he said. "You can instantly tell if it's good for special education."
With his interest in animation, he liked the look of Academy for Careers in Television and Film. He said it was a "new kind of school that I hardly knew existed."
Hugo was admitted and now he's a freshman at a high school with one of the highest graduation rates for special education students in the city.
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