Career and Technical Education (CTE) was the topic of last night's high school workshop, the fourth in the Department of Education’s seven-part series on high school admissions. The purpose of CTE schools  -- they used to be called vocational schools -- is to connect high school students with educational and job opportunities upon graduation.  Schools that offer CTE provide academic courses as well as technical instruction that typically culminates in professional certification in a field of employment.

From learning how to maintain aircrafts at Aviation High School near with an annex at JFK airport in Queens, to designing and selling clothing at Fashion Industries in Manhattan's garment district, there are an increasing number of CTE options in the city. Now is the time for 8th graders and their parents to start compiling a list of schools they may want to tour this fall.  You may use our advanced search option to learn more about CTE options in all five boroughs.

The DOE has posted a fact sheet about CTE here.

Were you at the CTE workshop? Was it helpful and what did you learn? Please comment and share information below!