According to the DOE, kindergarten letters were scheduled to go out to families from individual schools in mid-March. In fact, registration's already underway: It began on Monday, March 16 and continues through April 13, which is the last day of the April vacation week. From what we've heard, some families have heard kindergarten news, while others have not, with worry buzzing from the corners of the city where parents haven't yet received the official word.

There are concerns as well about registering for kindergarten while waiting for news on elementary gifted-and-talented program eligibility, because the calendars are out of synch. Kindergarten registration closes mid-April, just when G&T testing results and applications are scheduled to be mailed to parents. Even though G&T and mainstream kindergarten are entirely separate processes, parents understandably want to know where their child might attend school -- do they 'game' the system by keeping a seat at a 'safe' kindergarten in their back pocket while waiting for G&T news?

Schools were requested to mail kindergarten letters home this week, says DOE's Andy Jacob. Some have, but he says that some may wait until next week, for reasons entirely unclear to Insideschools.

We'd love to hear from parents who've heard and those who are still waiting. Add your comments to the string below, and we'll work to get your questions answered.