Math & science 101 for parents: Our guide & videos

Are you confused by your child's math homework? Is science an afterthought in your child's school? Take a look at our parents' guide to math and science, including what to look for in the classroom. We give you questions you can ask during parent-teacher conferences as well as suggestions of what to do outside of school!
Insideschools will help you find out if your children are getting the math or science instruction they need in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade—and what to do about it if they aren't.
Our two short videos, one on math, one on science, will give you an idea of what to look for in your child's classroom.
Our parents' guide explains what the new Common Core State Learning Standards mean for your child. It helps you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your child's school so you can fill in the gaps—even if you don't know much about math and science yourself.
For models of excellence, take a look at our 15 favorite elementary schools for math and science. We scoured the city looking for schools that give ordinary kids an extraordinary education—zoned neighborhood schools, not gifted programs or schools with a special application process. We picked schools that foster a love of math and science while giving children the skills they need to be successful later in life. Learn more about what schools around the city are doing to raise the bar in math and science education.
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