Parents speak out on education and mayoral control
The "angst-o-meter" we've been gauging in this week's poll spilled out onto the steps of Tweed Courthouse yesterday as parents and advocates gathered to voice their discontent with the recent actions of the Department of Education.
Topics addressed at the "speakout" centered on the impact on our city's students of mayoral control, school closures, and charter school co-locations.
William McDonald of the Save Our Schools Coalition urged New Yorkers to "tell the mayor and chancellor not to put any more money into the courts." This sentiment was echoed by parents and city council representatives from across the boroughs. "The money should go into the classroom," he said.
Hear what attendees had to say below and don't forget to lend your voice to our current poll -- located in the left-hand column -- to let us know which issues concern you most about the education system.
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