Poll results: Passing grades for most PTAs
Parents across the cityare scramblingto find creative ways to help offset the looming cuts to programs and services at their children's schools. Whether it is running auctions or bake sales(but not too many) to raise money, rallying volunteersto help out at lunchtime or recess, publishing newsletters to keep parents informed or collecting lunch formsto make sure your school qualifies for Title I funding, parents, more than ever, are expected to fill in where funds fall short. How much parents can help depends in large part on how well they're organized.
In our last pollwe asked you to grade your PA/PTA. With elections underway for key members of incoming PA/PTA executive boards, we wondered how effectively parents organize to support their schools. Nearly 600 readers weighed in. The largest percentage -- 39% percent -- awarded an "A" to their PA/PTA for being a vital part of their school community. Another 16% percent are pleased with their PA/PTA -- grading it a "B" -- but feel there is room for improvement.
Nearly a quarter of voters feel their PA/PTA deserves a "C" because of poor family participation. An alarming percentage -- 14% -- say their PA/PTA barely exists and therefore deserves a "D." The remaining 5% percent say there is NO PTA at their school -- and give it an "F" for failing to exist. We sure hope they're wrong!
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