A second round of pre-K applicationsis underway for September 2008 placements. Any family may apply, according to the DOE, including those who've not applied before, those who applied earlier but weren't offered seats, and those who chose to decline the first-round offer.

Here's a directory of schools with pre-K openings; more than 450 schools have space in their full- or half-day programs, although the number of actual seats isn't clear. Siblings have first preference provided the older sibling's school is listed first (the cause of much frustration and confusion on the first round, when it wasn't spelled out on the application). After siblings, priority goes to zoned, in-district kids, and then to out-of-district applicants.

The application is here. Mail it to the address in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania (at the bottom of the application) or, if you're of the "better safe than sorry" persuasion, walk it into your local borough placement center by Friday, July 18. Placements will be completed by mid-August.

Good luck!