SPONSORED POST: Ten Nuggets of Advice I Shared With My Students

The following is a paid message from Kenny Tan Test Prep.
I once gave the following bits of advice to a former student. I recently polished them for my newsletter and now want to share them with you:
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. Find a mentor. Find someone older than you who is doing something that you want to do. They'll be flattered that you asked.
- Just show up — on time. It’s not a mark of power or social superiority to leave someone else waiting. It’s rude. It’s also a mark of your inability to get it together. And it matters.
- Carpe diem. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Nothing matters when you are dead; what matters is what you do when you are alive. Remember, the most precious resource we all have is time. Start living!
- Surround yourself with a circle of friends. Make time to invest in friendships. True friends are ones you can call up at 3 am because your dog died.
- Follow your passions. Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
- Personal Mission Statement - Start by articulating your personal mission statement. What is your reason for getting up in the morning? In order to know our core sense of purpose, you first need to have a clear understanding of your core values.
- Write out a bucket list. What do you want to do before you die? Seriously, write them all down, pin it up on your wall so you read it from time to time. It will keep you focused on your goals.
- Get outside your comfort zone. Be willing to take risks. Challenge yourself mentally, physically, and socially.
- Start saving for retirement. Discover the power of compound interest and research index funds. Social Security & Medicare won't be around forever.
- Most importantly, be grateful to all the people who helped you along the way. Write to them and let them know how you are. You are, every one of you, someone’s favorite unfolding story.
Pleasant skies & fair tailwinds,
K. Tan
With more than a decade of helping students achieve their best possible test results, Kenny Tan is the go-to for SHSAT, ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, SAT, and ACT preparation. To learn more and schedule a consultation, go to kennytan.nyc.
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