The high school graduation rate for New York State schools will be released at noon today in Albany, as part of a discussion with the state's Board of Regents. As the mayoral control law sunsets (potentially) in eight days, and as Albany's various Neros continue to fiddle away, the city's graduation rate becomes an even more important marker for the effects of mayoral control.

In an unusual move, the NYSEDhas announced there will be no press conference on the graduation rate -- but the Mayor is anticipated to make an education statement at noon today as well, so perhaps we'll hear the city's take on the 2008 grad rate then.

We'll post links to the data and whatever information is released by the state and the city as soon as it's available.

Update: A webcast of the State's presentation to the Regents is here, along with the data released;while upward trends largely persist, the news is somewhat more encouraging for ELL students, and it looks like the Regents may reconsider the current phase-out of the Local Diploma, given the troubling split between Regents and Local grads in the 2004 cohort.