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School for children with autism has debate team, art classes
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PS X176 is a school where students agree that there is little bullying and parents say the Pre-K program is strong, surveys report.
The school, which supports over 900 students ages 3-21, is located in six sites across the Bronx. The student body mainly serves learners with autism, but there are students with other special needs as well. The attendance rate for the 2015-2016 school year was 91.4 percent, according to the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) and we read in the 2015 Quality Review that the quality of teaching at this school is good.
In addition, the CEP highlights the many programs and after school activities offered through the school including work-study opportunities, physical education initiatives, inclusion programs, a computer class, a debate team, arts classes and more. The school participates in the city's comfort dog program. A visiting dog named Izzy is part of a "mutt-i-gree" curriculum.
[Photo from school website]
(Katie Safter & Hugo Segal, web reports, August 2017)
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