District 4

District 4 extends from East 96th Street and Second Avenue to East 125th Street and the Harlem River. Although mostly in East Harlem, it also includes Ward's Island and Randall's Island. The area is experiencing a boom in housing and is welcoming middle class newcomers. Academic performance varies widely here but there are a few strong neighborhood elementary schools, among them PS 83 and PS 171 which also has a middle school with a few spots for high-performing children from outside the zone.


District 4 Contacts

160 East 120th St. Room 401
New York, NY 10035 - Map
Community Education Council website: www.sites.google.com/a/strongschools.nyc/manhattan-district-4/home
Community-run website: www.cecd4.org/


The superintendent appoints principals, evaluates schools and approves budgets:
Elementary and middle school superintendent: Alexandra Estrella, (212) 348-2873
High school superintendent: Vivian Orlen, (212) 356-3880

For individual parent concerns, contact:

Elementary and middle school family support coordinator: Elio Valdez, (212) 348-2873
High school family support coordinator: William Mark, (212) 356-3880

For help with PTAs or district-wide events, contact:

Elementary and middle school family leadership coordinator: Nancy Periera, (212) 348-2873 ext. 4012
High school family leadership coordinator: Damaris Frias, (212) 356-3880



To enroll your child, go to the school or the nearest Family Welcome Center, not the district office.

Family Welcome Center 

333 7th Ave. 12th Floor
New York, NY 10001 - Map
Phone: (212) 330-9442
This center handles both general education and special education enrollment


Community Education Council:

The elected members of the Community Education Council (CEC) approve school zoning lines and advise on education policy:
CEC: Community Education Council 4, (212) 802-3050
2351 First Avenue, Room B15, New York, NY 10035


District 4 office

160 East 120th St. Room 401
New York, NY 10035 - Map


Special Education:

Most questions about special education can be answered by your child's teacher or principal. If you are new to New York City or your child attends private or parochial school, contact the nearest Committee on Special Education for an evaluation.

Committee on Special Education 

Jennifer Lozano
333 7th Ave. 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001 - Map
Phone: (917) 339-1600
If these offices can not answer your questions, see DOE contacts
Questions? Ask us