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Our Insights

What’s Special

International Baccalaureate program; French and Spanish instruction

The Downside

High school International Baccalaureate program still too new to tell

Boerum Hill School for International Studies offers the challenging International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. Students enjoy a lot of arts offerings, field trips and a culinary program where they work in a professionally equipped kitchen and intern at restaurants and caterers.

The vibe throughout the school is relaxed and friendly. Parents told us they’re impressed with how quickly their children are learning French and by the creative and collaborative class work.

Principal Nicole Lanzillotto, who headed Boerum Hill’s middle grades before taking the helm in 2017, encourages kids to have a say in their school. For instance, a group of students successfully argued to allow hats to be worn at school after studying the behavior code, reading and discussing the book, For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood with staff and then drafting a thoughtful petition. 

Students study French and Spanish in grades 6-12. Science is taught in both French and English. Students participate in an after-school French immersion program where they develop their conversational fluency.

The IB program offers rich class discussions, thoughtful research papers and imaginative courses. For instance, instead of traditional English and social studies classes, students take courses such as “Individual and Societies,” “Language Acquisition” and “Language and Literature.”

Lessons in all grades emphasize skills such as communication, social and self-management as well as research and analytical thinking. In a high school math class we observed, students were discussing the importance of using graphs and charts to explain findings. Among their conclusions, visual representations transcend language barriers. In a senior English class, students were writing blog posts on topics they researched.  “I like this kind of writing because I can express myself,” said a student writing about Eric Gardner, the Staten Island man who was killed in 2014 during an arrest by police for selling loose cigarettes.

In the “middle years program” (grades 6-10) each year focuses on a theme that’s reinforced across subjects. For instance in 6th grade, students focus on identities and exploration, studying topics such as globalization, sustainability and relationships across the humanities classes; in 8th grade math, a survey in functions is part of the grade-wide theme of how an idea becomes a movement. Tenth grade is a year of reflecting on how all themes connect, with studies on constitutional foundations, three-dimensional math modeling and writing for different audiences.  

The IB diploma program is a challenging two years beginning in 11th grade culminating in completion of a year-long service project, a lengthy research paper and series of exams. Since the curriculum was rolled out in the middle school first and then expanded to the high school, the graduation class of 2019 (11th-graders when we visited) will be the first group to be eligible for an IB diploma.

Culinary arts is offered in high school, though 8th-graders are given an introduction to it. Students get hands-on training in the school’s professionally equipped kitchen as well as through internships shadowing chefs and catering events for the Department of Education and at Brooklyn Borough Hall.

Students enjoy day and overnight trips as well as a nice range of arts, elective classes and after-school activities including sports. arts, chess, music, dance, theater and technology. Partnerships with an impressive range of organizations, such as the French Embassy, 92nd Street Y Unterberg Poetry Center, Brooklyn Historical Society and Urban Advantage help expand learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

The school is housed in a large building it shares with the Digital Arts and Cinema Technology High School and Success Academy Cobble Hill Charter School. Students may leave the building for lunch or enjoy recess in the expansive schoolyard with teen size climbing equipment, multiple fields and a basketball court.

There is a busy college office lead by a fulltime college counselor. Juniors and seniors get additional support from a guidance counselor dedicated for those grades. Most graduates go on to CUNY and SUNY schools and some attend private and out-of-state colleges.

SPECIAL EDUCATION: There are ICT (Integrated collaborative teaching) classes on all grades plus SETSS.  (Laura Zingmond, October 2017; updated June 2019)

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School Stats

Citywide Average Key
This school is Better Near Worse than the citywide average
Citywide Average Key
This school is Better Near Worse than the citywide average

Is this school safe and well-run?

From the 2022-2023 NYC School Survey

How many students say they feel safe in the hallways, bathrooms and locker rooms?
80% Citywide Average
How many students think bullying happens most or all of the time at this school?
44% Citywide Average
How many teachers say the principal is an effective manager?
75% Citywide Average
How many teachers say they would recommend this school to other families?
76% Citywide Average

From the 2019-20 NY State Report Card

How many students were suspended?
1% Citywide Average

From this school's most recent Quality Review Report

Are teachers effective?

From 2023 End-of-year Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Report

How many teachers have 3 or more years of experience teaching?
79% Citywide Average
Years of principal experience at this school

How do students perform academically?

From the New York State 2022-2023 Assessment Database

How many middle school students scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
42% Citywide Average
How many middle school students scored 3-4 on the state reading exam?
51% Citywide Average

From the 2022-23 School Quality Guide

How many 8th-graders earn high school credit?
92% Citywide Average
How many students graduate in 4 years?
91% Citywide Average

Who does this school serve?

From the 2022-23 Demographic Snapshot

Free or reduced priced lunch
Students with disabilities
English language learners

From the 2022-23 School Quality Guide

Average daily attendance
88% Citywide Average
How many students miss 18 or more days of school?
39% Citywide Average

From the 2020 School Directories

This school offers Dual Language classes in French.

How does this school serve special populations?

From 2023 End-of-year Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Report

How many students with disabilities graduate in 4 years?
85% Citywide Average

From the New York State 2022-2023 Assessment Database

How many English language learners scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
7% Citywide Average
For more information about our data sources, see About Our Data · More DOE statistics for this school

Programs & Admissions

From the 2024 High School Directory

International Baccalaureate (K21A)

Admissions Method: Screened

Program Description:

All students experience IB coursework that emphasize problem-solving and collaboration through project-based learning. Students complete capstone projects: Personal Project, Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity and Service Learning project, and IB Internal Assessments. Students meet in advisory groups for social-emotional and academic support, and community building.

College, Career & Culinary (K21B)

Admissions Method: Screened

Program Description:

Our Culinary Arts and Career program is a four-year, rigorous sequence of courses designed to prepare students in food and industry careers. The program explores and prepares students through topics such as world cultures through food, climate and the global society, food politics, sustainability and identity. All students entering are still required to fulfill IB requirements and coursework. We have intern partnerships with C-CAP, and local restaurants and NYC companies.


From the 2024 High School Directory

Language Courses

French, Spanish

Advanced Courses

Algebra II (Advanced Math), Chemistry (Advanced Science), IB Chemistry HL, IB Dance HL, IB English HL, IB French ab initio, IB French HL, IB History SL, IB Mathematics HL, IB Spanish HL, IB Theater HL, IB Theory of Knowledge, IB Visual Arts HL, Other (International Baccalaureate), Science (International Baccalaureate), World Languages (Advanced World Languages)

Boys PSAL teams

Baseball, Basketball, Soccer

Girls PSAL teams

Basketball, Flag Football, Volleyball

Read about admissions, academics, and more at this school on NYCDOE’s MySchools

NYC Department of Education: MySchools

Contact & Location


284 Baltic Street
Brooklyn NY 11201

Trains: A Line, C Line to Hoyt & Schermerhorn; F Line, G Line to Bergen St

Buses: B103, B41, B45, B57, B61, B62, B63, B65, B67


Principal: Samantha Schmoeger

Parent Coordinator: Anna Karageorgis

Phone: 718-330-9390


Other Details

Shared campus? Yes

This school shares the building with the Digital Arts and Cinema Technology High School and Success Academy Cobble Hill Charter School

Uniforms required? No
Metal detectors? No

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