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I.S. 98 Bay Academy
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Brooklyn NY 11235
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What’s Special
Rich array of activities
The Downside
No modern foreign language
A popular middle school located across the street from Sheepshead Bay, Bay Academy offers strong academics, many extracurricular activities and a community spirit. Some families see it as a good school that is not as stressful as some of the other selective Brooklyn middle schools.
Students are selected on the basis of their performance in one of 10 different talents, including athletics, science and math, as well as the arts. Although entering 6th graders have test scores well above the city average, Bay does have students with a range of academic abilities.
The school groups children from the day they enter, using a summer assignment as well as test scores to place students in one of five sections for English, math and 7th grade science. Students from different classes do mingle, however, in their talent and social studies classes and at lunch.
All 6th and 7th grade students take double periods of English and math. Those who meet the school’s criteria may take Algebra and Living Environment Regents exams in 8th grade. Virtually all of those who take the tests pass. Instead of a modern foreign language, all students take a Latin class that longtime principal Marie Timo describes as Latin for English language arts. It focuses on root words, prefixes and suffixes. Timo sees the program as particularly useful since, she says, for most Bay students, English is not their first language. “What better ways to give them an understanding of English than to give them Latin?” she says.
Students must remain in their talent for their entire Bay career but the school provides opportunities for students to try their hand at other talents as well.
The school has a popular afterschool program and a variety of activities including a student newspaper – in print, no less – and an engineering club for girls. A retired chiropractor supervises the school’s Science Olympiad team, which has done well in statewide competitions. Students participate in arts contests and in a number of charity fund-raising events.
To provide support, Bay offers after school and morning tutoring. The school has two full-time guidance counselors as well as a social worker. Students may arrive as early as 6:30 am and read or watch news or sports on television.
Timo has worked to upgrade Bay’s facility. The halls are brighter than they once were. The school has a fairly new library, complete with computers and tablets, and a new dance studio and hopes to renovate its courtyard and greenhouse. A security system monitors students as they enter the lunchroom and restrooms.
Special education: Although Bay has some self-contained classes for students with disabilities, Timo says she is “a great believer” in integrated team-teaching classes mixing students with special needs with general education students. She says many students who arrive at Bay needing a paraprofessional to help them through the day no longer require that help by the time they leave.
Admissions: Students must live in District 21 or an adjoining area defined by the Department of Education. All applicants must take the district talent test in two talent areas of their choosing. (Gail Robinson, May 2019)
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J.H.S. 014 Shell Bank
Brooklyn, NY 11235