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P.S. 215 Lucretia Mott
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Queens NY 11691
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This is a zoned, neighborhood school. To see if your address is zoned for this school use our Elementary School Guided Search. For more information about how zones work, visit our New to NYC page and see the "Zoned Schools and other options" section.
Why might this school be a good fit for you? If it's your zoned school, it's close to home. If you can walk to it that means an easier commute. It's also more convenient to arrange playdates and get involved in your school. You can share pick-up and drop-off duties with other families. Most of all, you are guaranteed to get in except in rare instances of overcrowding. If this isn't your zoned school, you are still welcome to apply but your chances of getting in will be lower.
Wondering "What to Look For" in your school selection process? Check our suggestions here.
If you are a parent or staff member at this school, please tell us more about it in the Comments Section below.
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