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Manhattan Charter School II

Grades: K-5
220 Henry Street
Manhattan NY 10002
Phone: 212-964-3792

Our Insights

What’s Special

French and music lessons

The Downside

Asphalt play yard; poor attendance

Manhattan Charter School II offers French lessons several times a week, and music every day from kindergarten through 5th grade. Children attend the Metropolitan Opera, see at least one Broadway show and visit the National Jazz Museum in Harlem. Singing and rhythm is emphasized in the early grades, but by 4th grade students might join the school’s Louisiana-style brass band featuring trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, trombone and drums.

Founded in 2012, Manhattan Charter School II is modeled on the school of the same name on nearby Attorney Street on the Lower East Side. 

The tone in classrooms is serious and calm. The school day is long. Teachers use patient voices. During our visit, at two long rows of desks during reading time, some kindergartners studied letter sounds, others built sentences using sight words, and still others read small books. 

Teachers adhere closely to a structured phonics program and this appears to have yielded results: reading test scores, both for children in general education and those with special needs, are above the citywide average. Teachers use Jump Math, a program that aims to build confidence in kids by starting each lesson with skills they know well before adding layers of difficulty. Math lessons last for 90 minutes three days a week.

On school surveys, some parents report that they’re not invited into their child’s classroom, but most parents say they’re satisfied with the school. Some children miss at least a month of school.

Manhattan Charter School II shares the Corlears Complex (formerly JHS 56) with University Neighborhood Middle School and Orchard Collegiate Academy

Most students live in public housing developments walking distance from the school, but some travel from Brooklyn and Harlem. 

Built in 1968, the building features a full-size cafeteria and gymnasium, plus music rooms and modern science labs. Children take gym twice a week and go outside for recess once a day or play in the gym if the weather is bad. Staffers make do with a paved asphalt surface by having children rotate through teacher-led activities such as relay races and ball games.

Admissions: By lottery. Preference to siblings of students at Manhattan Charter Schools (I and II), students who speak a language other than English at home, and residents of District 1. Some seats open in grades 1, 2 and 3. New students are not accepted in grades 4 and 5. (Lydie Raschka, May 2019) 



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School Stats

Citywide Average Key
This school is Better Near Worse than the citywide average

Is this school safe and well-run?

From the 2022-2023 NYC School Survey

How many teachers say the principal is an effective manager?
82% Citywide Average
How many teachers say they would recommend this school to other families?
84% Citywide Average

From the 2019-20 NY State Report Card

How many students were suspended?
1% Citywide Average

From 2023 End-of-year Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Report

How many teachers have 3 or more years of experience teaching?
85% Citywide Average
Years of principal experience at this school

How do students perform academically?

From the New York State 2022-2023 Assessment Database

How many elementary school students scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
53% Citywide Average
How many elementary school students scored 3-4 on the state reading exam?
50% Citywide Average

Who does this school serve?

From the 2022-23 Demographic Snapshot

Free or reduced priced lunch
Students with disabilities
English language learners

From the 2022-23 School Quality Guide

Average daily attendance
91% Citywide Average
How many students miss 18 or more days of school?
36% Citywide Average

How does this school serve special populations?

From the New York State 2022-2023 Assessment Database

How many students with disabilities scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
30% Citywide Average
How many students with disabilities scored 3-4 on the state reading exam?
23% Citywide Average
How many English language learners scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
21% Citywide Average
How many English language learners scored 3-4 on the state reading exam?
12% Citywide Average

For more information about our data sources, see About Our Data · More DOE statistics for this school

Contact & Location


Lower East Side (District 1)


Jacqueline Crabtree

Other Details

Shared campus?
This school shares a building with Orchard Collegiate Academy and University Neighborhood Middle
Metal detectors?

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