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KIPP Elements Primary School

Grades: K-3
501 Gerard Avenue
Bronx NY 10451
Phone: 929-288-4740

Our Insights

A message from the KIPP Elements Faculty and Staff: 

KIPP Elements is a charter elementary school located in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx. It is located in a newly built facility that it shares with three other KIPP schools. Diamond Graham is the Founding Principal of KIPP Elements Primary School. Ms. Graham has over 10 years of experience as a teacher and leader in KIPP elementary schools.

KIPP Elements Primary School is where personal discovery and academic excellence are fostered in partnership with families, students, and our community. We recognize, honor, and fuse our experiences into our education, to empower each other as innovative thinkers, powerful creators, and thoughtful community members. That’s how we launch our ideas into reality.

KIPP Elements starts with a greeting at the door. We make sure every student is welcomed into the school each day because we know that how your day begins sets the tone for learning. Once greeted in their classrooms, students kick off with mind and body work, focusing on mindfulness. From there, students engage in rigorous, hands-on academics, including, math, reading, science, design, performing arts, and even robotics! We believe in cultivating courageous curiosity through hands-on experiments and opportunities to discover and practice inquiry throughout the day.

In Science, students explore design thinking and bring their ideas to life. They learn about inventors and creators of color from different backgrounds. Students create solutions to problems that inventors and scientists have faced historically. We challenge students to develop scientific solutions to issues that students care about. We even have a robotics team that participates in competitions!

At our Coffee and Conversations and Learning Nights, families come together to share ideas and learn from each other. Families and teachers get together to discuss what students are learning, share best practices, and talk about how students will reach their goals. During our Family Read-Alouds and Writing Days, families come in to share their favorite books with the class and talk about their own families. Families are welcome to participate in publishing parties for students to show off their hard work. We also hold community events like a family feast, movie screenings, and more.


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School Stats

Citywide Average Key
This school is Better Near Worse than the citywide average

Is this school safe and well-run?

From the 2022-2023 NYC School Survey

How many students say they feel safe in the hallways, bathrooms and locker rooms?
80% Citywide Average
How many students think bullying happens most or all of the time at this school?
40% Citywide Average
How many teachers say they would recommend this school to other families?
85% Citywide Average

From 2023 End-of-year Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism Report

How many teachers have 3 or more years of experience teaching?
77% Citywide Average
Years of principal experience at this school

How do students perform academically?

Who does this school serve?

From the 2022-23 Demographic Snapshot

Free or reduced priced lunch
Students with disabilities
English language learners

From the 2022-23 School Quality Guide

Average daily attendance
91% Citywide Average
How many students miss 18 or more days of school?
36% Citywide Average

How does this school serve special populations?

From the New York State 2022-2023 Assessment Database

How many English language learners scored 3-4 on the state math exam?
21% Citywide Average

For more information about our data sources, see About Our Data · More DOE statistics for this school

Contact & Location


University Heights (District 7)
Trains: 2 Line, 4 Line, 5 Line to 149th St-Grand Concourse


Kate Baughman

Other Details

Shared campus?
This school shares a building with KIPP Affirm Middle School, KIPP Inquire Elementary School, and KIPP All Middle School.
Metal detectors?

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