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DREAM Highbridge Charter Elementary School
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Bronx NY 10452
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This is an unzoned school, meaning students who attend may come from across your school district, your borough, or sometimes the entire city. Anyone is welcome to apply, but look into your chances for admissions. To see if your address is in the district for this school use our Elementary School Guided Search.
Why might this school be a good fit for you? It offers another option. Some unzoned schools were designed as an alternative to traditional neighborhood schools, some were simply created to ease overcrowding at zoned schools, and some were founded with a magnet grant designed to foster integration through special programs (such as art, science, drama or law). If being at a school where most students are from your neighborhood is a higher priority, your zoned elementary school may be a better fit.
All schools in districts 1, 7 and 23 are unzoned.
Wondering "What to Look For" in your school selection process? Check our suggestions here.
For more information about school enrollment and advice on how to find a program, please visit our New to NYC page.
If you are a parent or staff member at this school, please tell us more about it in the Comments Section below.
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Is this school safe and well-run?
From the 2022-2023 NYC School Survey
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Who does this school serve?
From the 2022-23 Demographic Snapshot
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