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South Shore Educational Complex now houses five small schools:

At Victory Collegiate High School , teachers know the students and their parents. Classes are project-based and students meet with their faculty advisor twice a day. The graduation rate is high and students are motivated.

Brooklyn Generation School is betting that a longer school year and creative scheduling will help students who arrive in high school with poor academic skills graduate on time and go on to college. Twice a year, students have a month-long break from their regular classes to take college and career-focused courses based on their interests.

Brooklyn Theatre Arts High School integrates theater into academic classes. Students attend professional theater productions, put on two performances, and take theater electives. However, 60 percent of teachers reported in 2012 that crime and violence are a problem in the school.

Brooklyn Bridge Academy offers a fresh start to older students who are at risk of dropping out. Classes are small, and students say they get lots of personal attention. The school operates on a trimester schedule, which allows students to accumulate credits faster than they would on a traditional schedule of two semesters a year. A "Learning to Work" program places students in paid internships after school at places such as Kingsborough Jewish Hospital, libraries, bookstores, and pet stores. Attendance remains an issue, and the principal is working on ways to encourage students to come to school regularly.

Academy For Conservation and the Environment s primary focus is on graduation and passing the Regents exams. The school now focuses on improving how special education students and English Language Learners are addressed. Teachers complain that discipline is an issue.

The building is isolated and far from any subway lines. South Shore High School closed in June 2010 after graduating its last class and the building was renamed South Shore Educational Complex. Students must pass through metal detectors to enter the building and many of the small schools still have fights and discipline problems. According to Brooklyn Generation Principal Lisa Colon Bonimi, it is getting better. [The prinicpals] work closely together to provide the best services for the entire campus, she explained.

On the positive side, a newly renovated auditorium opened in the building in May 2012, a project that cost nearly a million dollars in capital funds from the Borough Presidents Office. (Aryn Bloodworth, November 2012)

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Contact & Location


6565 Flatlands Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11236

Buses: B6, B47, B82, B103


Principal: Katherine Kefalas

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