Check out the country’s richest 50 PTAs (19 in New York City)
The PS 107 PTA raised more than $600,000 in 2013-2014.
New York City has 18 of the 50 richest PTAs in the nation, according to a report by the Center for American Progress.
“These (50) schools serve about one-tenth of a percent of the nationwide student population while raising around 10 percent of the estimated total $425 million raised by all PTAs in the country,” the report said, referring to the 2013-2014 school year.
The PTA for PS 87 on the Upper West Side annually raises a whopping $1,747 per pupil, the report said, while the Anderson School, a citywide gifted school also located on the Upper West Side, raises $1,885.
The New York City schools on the top 50 list include:
PS 87, Upper West Side, $1,575,986
PS 29, Cobble Hill, $1,127,651
PS 321, Park Slope, $1,084,094
PS 334 The Anderson School, citywide gifted, $1,084,037
PS 290 Manhattan New School, Upper East Side, $1,061,668
PS 6, Upper East Side, $945,777
PS 8, Brooklyn Heights, $849,153
PS 41, Greenwich Village, $826,203
PS 77 Lower Lab, $819,421
PS 199, Upper West Side, $812,573
PS 234, Tribeca, $793,096
PS 58, Carroll Gardens,$787,404
PS 261, Boerum Hill, $723,095
PS 11, Chelsea, $691,300
PS 107, Park Slope, $605,827
PS 183, Upper East Side, $598,373
PS 3, Greenwich Village, $590,220
Brooklyn School of Inquiry, citywide gifted school, $566,452
The report makes a series of recommendations, including exploring the idea of diverting some of the dollars raised by the rich PTAs to high-poverty schools. This has been done in Portland, OR, without substantially reduce overall parent contributions.
New York City Councilperson Mark Treyger introduced legislation this week that would require the Department of Education to track school PA and PTA fundraising and membership and make that information public.
See the full list of 50 in the report. (CORRECTION: MS 158 in Queens was erroneously identified in the report as one of the 50 richest PTAs in the nation and has been removed from the above list of New York City schools that made the top 50 in the report.)
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